Saturday, November 13, 2010

A bit much

So, it has been a while since I last posted, but given the fact that there is now a whole new person in our little family I feel justified in the delay. But delay no more.

So what has been sticking in my craw lately?


I don't mean product packaging, I mean the use of inflammatory terms to describe something or someone you disagree with.

Yesterday I was involved in a conversation about using cameras to catch drivers who run red lights. Beside the fact that I was dismayed by how many people seem to condone breaking traffic laws, the thing that really got me all lathered up was the fact that a few people branded red light cameras as "un-American" and "Communist."


Communist? What does the method of enforcing an existing traffic law have to do with a sociopolitical system of communal ownership? Nothing that I can see.

Un-American? Are they claiming that red light cameras are a foreign idea that is incompatible with our form of government? I don't see how that is accurate either.

I guess they were trying to say that they felt red light cameras to be intrusive, but why not just say that?

What is the purpose of such language? What it looks like to me is an attempt to shut down conversation.

On the other side of the political spectrum there are liberals that use terms like "fascist" or "Hitler" to describe conservative ideas and people.

Is it really that hard to base an argument on solid fact that they have to resort to juvenile name calling?

Now don't get me wrong. There are appropriate ways to use all of these terms.

If we are discussing centralized economic control or state ownership of means of production then the label "Communist" is very fitting. I would even go so far as to say I would probably even give a pass to someone using the term to describe ideas of classless society or communal ownership.

In retrospect, could the real issue be that many do not actually know the origin and definition of the terms they are using?

I guess that would explain much. After all, if you are simply regurgitating something you heard or read previously how would you know that your chosen term is quite inappropriate for the statement you are making.

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