Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

If you have followed my Facebook posts or Twitter account for any length of time you probably have figured out I am a stickler when it comes to holidays.

I am often dismayed by how disconnected Americans are from the reasons and origins of the holidays we set aside. Because of this every holiday has turned into just another day off work.

So what is Memorial Day?

Memorial Day is a day that has been set aside to remember those who died while protecting our country. It is a day that we stop and remember that the freedom and liberty we enjoy came at a price; and that some paid the ultimate price in giving their life that we might live free.

Traditional observance of Memorial Day would include a visit to the graves of fallen soldiers or a memorial, flying the U.S. Flag at half staff until noon (adding a POW/MIA flag is appropriate as well), pausing at 3pm for a National Moment or Remembrance, and making or renewing a commitment to care for the widows, widowers, and orphans of our nations dead and disabled veterans.

Does this mean I think we should all cancel out trips to the beach and put out the fire on grill? No way!

It was exactly these kinds of things that our brave veterans fought and died for. But, in between the beach, the bbq, and the beer please take a moment to remember the reason we can celebrate Memorial Day in the "land of the free" is because of the brave.

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