Sunday, February 15, 2015

Gone Fishing

This morning, at church, Bill gave a talk out of John 21; and as we read through the first part of the chapter I was struck by one line.

Simon Peter said, "I'm going fishing." (Matthew 21:3, NLT)

What was going through the mind of Peter?

He had been the guy that boasted to Jesus that even if everyone else fell away that he, Simon Peter, would remain a faithful follower to the end.

He had been the guy that less than a day after this boast had denied to even know Jesus not one, not twice, but three times. Now we rejoin the story as Jesus has risen and appeared to a few people a few times; showing up and disappearing quickly. 

No instructions given. No plan to follow. Just the hope that the choice to follow Jesus had not been in vain.

And what does Peter do? He goes fishing.

There have been times in my life when I suddenly found myself upside-down. In those times I found myself tempted to freeze; to simply stay put and hope that something would happen that would decide my next action for me.

Even now, with so many decisions facing me regarding my schooling, my career, and my family there are times that I simply want to shut everything out and let everything decide itself.

But Peter went fishing.

When life got to be too much he went back to what he knew and it was precisely there that Jesus showed up to guide him the rest of the way.

It was good for me to come across that one, simple line today. I think I needed to be reminded that faith is moving forward when the path is not clear; that often the answers come not in the deliberating but through the momentum of action.