Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Age of Participation Trophies

It has finally come...

The day when all those kids who got A's for average work, gold stars for mediocrity, and trophies just for showing up are all grown up. Well, legally at least.

It is the "Occupy" generation.

This is the generation that was taught there are no losers, only winners. This is the generation that was told doing your best is good enough.

Now they have finally made it to the real world and they don't like what they found.

You see; in the real world no one owes you anything.

In the real world, sometimes your best won't be enough and you will be found wanting.

The real world demands results.

The real world will chew you up and spit you out and move on like nothing ever happened.

Ask the generations that came before us what life was like for them.

It used to be that we looked up to those that were successful. It used to be that we aspired to find our own fortune by adding to the world and not just insisting our share come by taking from others.

It used to be that we made things... buildings, factories, cars, airplanes, rockets... and in making things we generated wealth. And those that fought their way to the top were rewarded not with a ribbon for participation like everyone else but by enjoying the fruit of their own labor.

My life has not always been easy.

I have had my fair share of mistakes, setbacks, and detours; but no matter what I press on. And each time one thing remains true.

I will never ask for pity from another man.

I will never ask that he surrender what was earned by the sweat of his brow, the strength of his back, or the power of his mind to make my life better at his expense.

I will never demand that "fairness" be the rule.

I will never accept a system where the weak plunder the strong. I will not accept that the reaper overtakes the sower, harvesting what does not belong to him.

I find it quite fitting that one of the definitions Merriam-Webster gives for the word "occupy" is simply to take up space.

That is what I see in this "movement."



Taking up space.

Demanding that they receive their "fair share" simply because they showed up.

You want a piece? Fine.

Fight for it.

You don't want to fight for it?

Then accept the scraps that are left after the victor has eaten his fill.